Introduction of Raven and Crows - Daniel wants to inform people of his experience with the Corvids and is here to educate and help you with these wonderful birds.
Everything you should know....
The African Pied Crow is approximately the size of the European Carrion Crow or a little larger (46–50 cm in length) but has a proportionately larger bill, slightly longer tail and wings, and longer legs.
10-20 + years
African Pied Crows are intelligent, crafty, sensitive, inquisitive,and very sneaky. Crows in the wild can be VERY destructive. Much more so than any other bird. Hand fed babies are in fact a bit rambunctious,and very much like a small child getting into everything. That's why "enrichment" items are so essential when keeping Corvids as pets. They are very active and intelligent so it is imperative that they stay stimulated in order to be good pets.
Back to the child would a young child act if they couldn't run and play? The Corvids need plenty of room to hop and jump and fly and play. Crows are very clever creatures, and you can never underestimate their curious, inquizitive nature, so have fun with it - stimulate and challenge them for good mental and physical well being.
The glossy black head and neck are interrupted by a large area of white feathering from the shoulders down to the lower breast. The tail,bill and wings are black too. The eyes are dark brown. The white plumage of immature birds is often mixed with black. It resembles the White-necked Ravens but has a much smaller bill.
Crows are omnivorous. They will eat anything which is edible (and many things which aren't). Their usual diet contains insects, seeds, berries, carrion (the bodies of animals killed by creatures), the eggs and young of other birds, and occasionally small mammals or rodents.
Crows are very active birds. They love to hop, fly, and peck at items. Those who own this type of bird should provide a minimum of 4 to 6 hours of playtime outdoors daily. The flight cage should be large enough for them to fly, stretch and exercise their muscles. The outdoors is also very important for them to receive the necessary vitamin D from the sun for the well-being and strength/density of their bones.
Always remember to remove the anklets or leg restraints while your bird is in the flight cage, as they can get caught up on objects and could injure themselves. Vet wrap can be used on the perches to ensure the perches are easy on their feet, varying sized perches are always a good idea too.
Toys and enrichment items are important for stimulation. As we mentioned, they are the smartest birds in the world and need mental & physical stimulation to remain happy and healthy pets.
In aviculture, the Pied Crow requires large amounts of space and isnot suited to anything smaller than a room as it is a highly active jumper and flyer. It can adjust to cooler climates, but shelter from the wind and a heated perch is recommended. It requires toys and social time, along with a good diet of vegetables and meat. A hand-raised Pied Crow will speak and mimic sounds sometimes with alarming accuracy! They make great companions because they form a close bond with their owners. This type of bird is very intelligent, curious and lacks fear. Crows can be noisy & destructive (if not stimulated), and requirea considerable amount of time to ensure the proper diet and excercise.
If you think an African Pied Crow might be the right bird for you,contact Daniel Walthers at Winding Woods Ranch to see if you can schedule a visit with him and his birds. Seeing how African Pied Crows behave in their home environment will help you decide whether or not this species is a good choice for your lifestyle.