Everything you should know....
Large, at up to 40 inches in length from the beak to the tip of thetail feathers. Greenwing Macaws have a wingspan of over 40 inches.
On average, a well cared for pet Greenwing Macaw will live for about50 years. However, there have been reports of Greenwing Macaws living well into their 80's.
If you want an affectionate bird, then the Greenwing Macaw might bethe bird for you. In fact, these gorgeous parrots are known to manyas "the Gentle Giants" due to their sweet dispositions. Theyare highly responsive to training, and must be given adequate attention and bonding time due to their social natures. Those interesting inadopting a Greenwing Macaw should make sure that they have enough time to spend with their new bird.
Greenwing Macaws are primarily a brilliant, bright red color. Their wings are trimmed in bands of green and blue, and their legs and feet are a deep gray. Their beaks are horn colored with a black lower mandible,and they exhibit the classic bare macaw eye patches on their faces.
Greenwing Macaws, like all parrots, should be offered a high qualitycommerical seed/pellet mix in addition to daily servings of a varietyof bird-safe fruits and vegetables. A fresh, varied diet will make surethat your Greenwing Macaw receives adequate nutrition.
Although they are not known to be quite as active as other large parrots,Greenwing Macaws still need plenty of exercise for both their mentaland physical stimulation. Owners of a Greenwing Macaw should allowfor 2-3 hours of supervised out-of-cage playtime every day to makesure that their bird maintains top physical condition.
Bold, eye-catching, and affectionate, Greenwing Macaws have been afavorite of bird owners for many years. Their physical beauty in additionto their shining personalities make them a joy for experienced parrotowners to keep.
Those interested in adopting a Greenwing Macaw should keep in mindthat these birds, however tame and affectionate, are still parrotsand will act as such. There are few things louder than a macaw at sunrise,and potential owners should be aware of this!
In the wild, Greenwing Macaws live in flocks of 6 to 8 birds, and arevery social. Because of their social nature, Greenwing Macaws needowners that will spend plenty of time socializing with their pets.When you take a Greenwing Macaw into your home, you must become itsflock!
Greenwing Macaws are known for being destructive chewers, and future owners should consider this before rushing out to buy their new pet. A bored Greenwing Macaw can chew through a door frame or expensive molding with the force of a trillion termites -- and 5 times as fast. Greenwing Macaw owners should prepare to invest quite a bit into goodquality toys for their pet, so that the bird won't make a toy out oftheir homes!
Consider the expenses of keeping a Greenwing Macaw before bringing one home. Veterinary bills, as well as the costs of quality feed, toys,and cages all add up quickly. If you can't give your bird the best of everything, consider holding off on adopting one until you can.
If you think a Greenwing Macaw might be the right bird for you, contact DanielWalthers at Winding Woods Ranch tosee if you can schedule a visit with him and his birds. Seeing how Greenwing Macaws behave in their home environment will help you decide whether or not this species is a good choice for your lifestyle.